Document delivery

Internal or special provision users 

  • The Library makes photographic reproductions and also mails out articles from journals owned by the library and of documents from other libraries and Italian and foreign documentation centres not found in the library; copyright laws are enforced.
    Users may not check out more than 20 articles per week.
  • The Library's collection is listed in a collective Catalogue GIDIF, RBM (Gruppo italiano documentatlisti industria farmaceutica e istituti di ricerca biomedica) of approximately 52 medical libraries that share books free of charge. The Library is also a member of the GOT (consortium (Gruppo Operativo per il Trasferimento di risultati della ricerca bibliografica nella pratica clinica) that groups together the collections of six medical libraries of other hospitals in the Region of Emilia-Romagna.
  • Making documents available from other libraries is totally FREE of CHARGE if the document search is done among the libraries that are members of GIDIF, RBM, and/or GOT. 

Purchase of journal articles from the British Library Document Supply Centre (London): € 12 – basic cost per article + € 1 cost for sending request to the BL by fax + cost of photocopies 

The Request Form found on the website lists three options:
  1. free-of-charge - the librarian will search for the article only among libraries that offer the service free-of-charge
  2. for a fee (except the British Library) - the librarian will search for the article among Italian libraries that offer the service for a fee
  3. for a fee (including the British Library) - the librarian will search for the article among Italian and foreign libraries (British Library) that offer the service for a fee.
The difference between points 2 and 3 is that Italian libraries supply articles at an average cost of 3 to 4 euros while the British Library’s fee is around 14 euros. Clearly the search will begin among those libraries which offer the service free-of-charge before trying the other two options. 
All members of the  (CEU) (provincial Clinical Effectiveness Unit) are not charged for photocopies.
For all requests, fill out the Form for "internal or affiliated clients"

External clients

  • Articles are also supplied to public and private external clients for a FEE
Article picked up directly at the library or sent via email (when possible) *:  € 4 for the first 20 pages + € 2 for successive sets of 20 pages.

Priority mail: € 4 for the first 20 pages + € 2 for successive sets of 20 pages + postage.
Fax: € 6 for the first 20 pages + € 4 for successive sets of 20 pages.

*To pick-up articles at the library:
  1. Articles must be picked up within 4 days of the request.
  2. Library staff will make the photocopies of up to a maximum of 3 articles. If more than 3 articles are requested, clients must make their own photocopies using the library's machines. 

In person pick-up: pay at the hospital's "Cassa ticket" from Monday to Friday 7:15 am to 7 pm; Saturdays from 7:15 am to 1 pm.
By post or fax: pay in the post office, account nr. c/c 347427 made out to Azienda Ospedaliera di Reggio Emilia Servizio Tesoreria, Via Sani, 15 42100 Reggio Emilia (specify the following in the space marked: Causale: Pagamento fotocopie Bibl. ASMN. Nota di addebito nr.)
For all requests, fill out the Form for "external clients"

  Stampa pagina | Ultimo aggiornamento: 3/19/07
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Biblioteca Medica | Viale Murri 9 | 42123 Reggio Emilia, Italia
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